Privacy policy
The purpose of this privacy policy is to provide an individual (You) – the data subject – with the information about the purpose, scope, data processing time and protection of personal data during data acquisition and while the data subject’s data is being processed.
1. Data Controller and Contact Information
1.1. The personal data controller is Limited Liability Company Sviridenko & Partners SIA (hereafter referred to as the Company), unified registration No. 40203032119, legal address: Riga, Krišjāņa Valdemāra Street 33- 3F, Latvia, LV-1010.

1.2. The Company’s contact information in case of queries related to personal data processing: You can use this contact information or contact the Company at its legal address to ask any questions about personal data processing.

1.3. The Company is the owner of the website, but it is operated by the company registered in the Republic of Latvia – Limited Liability Company “KERNING AGENCY”, registration number 40203361394. The Company protects the privacy and safety of the individuals’ personal data that are at our disposal and takes necessary security measures so that the website operator complies with this privacy policy. The Company processes and stores only the data that is legally allowed to obtain, that are necessary to ensure our work, to fulfil the requirements of regulatory acts and contractual obligations. When visiting and using the website, its visitors agree to the terms and conditions of the Privacy policy described herein, including the types of cookies use.
2. Scope of Policy Application
2.1. Personal data is any information about an identified or identifiable individual.

2.2. Privacy policy is applied to protect the privacy and personal data in relation to:
  • natural persons – customers, customer representatives, contact persons, partners and other service users (including potential, former and existing ones), and third parties who receive or transfer any information (including contact persons, payers, etc.) to the Company in connection with service
  • provision to a natural person (customers, partners);
  • visitors of the Company’s office;
  • users of the Company’s website (hereinafter referred to as Customers).

2.3. The Company takes care of the Customers’ privacy and protection of their personal data, respects the Customer’s rights to the legality of personal data processing in accordance with the applicable legislation – Personal Data Protection Law, Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (Regulation) and other applicable regulatory acts in the field of privacy and data processing.

2.4. The Privacy policy applies to data processing regardless of the form and/or environment the Customer provides personal data in (at the Company's website, by e-mail, in paper form, by telephone or otherwise) and in which systems of the Company or in paper form they are processed.
3. Receiving and Using Personal Data
3.1. We may collect personal information from you directly when you provide information to the Company, to contact us through the website, by contacting us by phone or by mail. The Company is obliged by the regulatory acts to identify all its Customers even before the beginning of business relations, therefore we can process personal data received directly from you and/or from other sources (e.g., public registers).

3.2. Data categories and types of its acquisition:
The personal data obtained by the Company is divided into five main categories, which are further divided depending on the type of data and the source from which they are obtained:
3.3. If you have indicated your consent to receive news from the Company, information about current events and/or new or modified services provided by the Company may be sent to your e-mail address. This consent can be withdrawn at any time by sending a notification to

3.4. Legal background and purposes of processing personal data
3.4.1. The Company processes the natural persons’ data on the following legal grounds:
  • to provide consultations and services with or without a contract, to enter into a contract and to ensure its fulfilment;
  • to ensure the fulfilment of obligations imposed by regulatory acts (e.g., the obligation to identify the person to whom the service is provided before providing the service);
  • In the legitimate interests of the Company (e.g., to reduce the risks of the Company’s activities, to analyze the statistics on use of the Company’s website in order to improve its performance, to manage customers’ files and inform customers about important terms in due time, to ensure and improve service quality, to manage payments, to manage unpaid payments, to protect our legitimate interests).

3.4.2. The Company processes personal data to achieve the following objectives:
  • to identify a Customer;
  • to register a Customer in the internal accounting systems;
  • to prepare and conclude a service contract;
  • to ensure and/or maintain the operation of services;
  • to improve services, develop new services;
  • to promote use of the service;
  • to consider and process claims and suggestions;
  • to fulfil obligations imposed by regulatory acts;
  • to administer taxes;
  • to receive and collect debts;
  • to maintain the website and improve its operation;
  • for statistics and performance analysis;
  • for planning and accounting;
  • to measure performance;
  • to ensure the quality of data (relevant information);
  • to prepare reports;
  • to promote the services provided;
  • to attract customers.
4. Cookies
4.1. The data on visitors of the Company’s website can be obtained indirectly by obtaining information and using cookies. Cookies are files that are stored by the Internet browser on a computer or in a user's mobile device. This is how the website can save individual settings of a user. Cookies can be considered as the way a website obtains information to identify a user and respond accordingly. The information related to cookies is anonymous and is not used to identify visitors. You can forbid Internet browsers from using cookies, which will not prevent you from using the website, however, this may limit the use of

4.2. The web site uses “cookies” files of third parties, and specifically: “Google Analytics” and “Yandex Metrica”. These independent service providers use cookies, which are stored on the end device, to collect data about the user's navigation on the site, including determining the total number of visitors.
5. Data safety
5.1. The Company protects the natural persons’ data using the possibilities ensured by modern technologies, taking into account the existing risks for privacy and the Company’s reasonably available organizational, financial and technical resources, including the following means of protection:

Means of intellectual protection:
- firewall;
- antivirus and anti-phishing software;
- data storage in the Company’s servers to which third parties have no access;
- protection of the technologies used with unique access codes and two-stage security systems.

Means of physical protection:
- limited and controlled access of natural persons to physical data media and technologies that may contain data;
- ensuring fire safety;
- storage of documents, which may contain personal data, in closed premises, to which only a limited and controlled group of persons have access.

5.2. The Company stores personal data no longer than is necessary to achieve the objectives described in section 3 and to fulfil the obligations imposed by the regulatory acts.

5.3. All personal data that has become known to the Company about users of the Company's website are processed and used only for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy and to the
extent necessary. When processing and storing personal data, the Company protects personal data from accidental or unlawful disclosure, unauthorized data changes and any other illegal processing.

5.4. The Company does not disclose the data of natural persons obtained from third parties, or any information obtained during provision of the service and during the term of the contract, including the information about the services provided, except for the following cases:
  • if data needs to be provided to the relevant third party within the framework of the concluded agreement to perform a function required by the contract or delegated by law (e.g., as a part of bank payments or to provide a service);
  • based on explicit and unambiguous consent of the Data Subject;
  • to persons specified in regulatory acts, upon their motivated request, according to the procedure
  • and to the extent established by regulatory acts;
  • in cases set by regulatory acts to protect the Company’s legitimate interests.
6. Term of Personal Data Storage
  • As long as the contract with the client is in effect;
  • while the Company or its customer can implement their legitimate interests according to the
  • procedure set by regulatory acts (e.g., file objections or file a lawsuit in court);
  • while the Company is obliged to store data in accordance with the requirements of regulatory acts;
  • while the person’s consent to personal data processing is valid, if there is no other legal basis for
  • processing the data.
  • Upon termination of all the aforesaid circumstances, personal data will be deleted in such a way that the data could not be restored by reasonable effort. The Company does not separately inform the data subject about deleting such data.
7. Access to Personal Data and Other Rights of the Data Subject
7.1. The Company ensures the correctness of personal data in accordance with the information obtained by the Company when the person uses the Company’s website as a data subject, when using the Company’s services by a data subject or when sending independently a request to supplement or update their personal data by presenting documents justifying changes. If the data subject ceases to use the services provided by the Company, and the mutual contract is dissolved or otherwise terminated, the Company starts tracking the time after which the data will be destroyed and does not ask the data subject to provide information for data update.

7.2. Data subjects have the right to access their personal data by sending a request for information to the Company by e-mail: The data subject has the right to request the following information: 1. whether personal data are processed, and if so, which one; 2. the purpose and legal justification for personal data processing; 3. date of last data update; 4. source of personal data; 5. information on whether personal data are processed automatically; 6. other information, if this is stipulated by regulations.

7.3. The data subject has the right to ask the Company to provide access to their personal data and to request the data to be supplemented and corrected (updated), and to require limiting the personal data processing, to object to processing of their personal data and to ask to delete their personal data.
These rights are implemented if data processing does not result from the obligations imposed on the Company by regulatory acts, and if the requested action with personal data does not limit fulfilment of the contract and the obligations arising from it, and it does not restrict the Company’s right to protection their legitimate interests.

7.4. Data subjects have the right to require that their personal data at the Company’s disposal be supplemented, corrected and/or that the data processing is discontinued or that the data is deleted if they are outdated, incomplete, incorrect, processed illegally or no longer correspond to the purpose of data processing for which they were obtained. If you want to delete your data or make changes to them, or you have questions about the use of your personal data, please contact Sviridenko & Partners SIA by e-mail: or telephone +371 67 373 020

7.5. The data subject may submit a request for implementation of their rights in writing, by filing an application in person – by presenting an identification document or filing an application electronically with a secure electronic signature.

7.5.1. Before the Company provides information about the personal data of a natural person at the disposal of the Company, it should ensure that the person requesting information or applying for implementation of their rights is the true subject of personal data to which the request or application is related.

7.5.2. Having received the request from the data subject and verified their identity, the Company provides the data subject with a response within one month upon receipt of the application and sends the response to the data subject by mail to the indicated contact address, by registered letter or e-mail, taking into consideration the preferred method of communication indicated by the data subject.

7.6. The Company carries out all necessary actions to ensure the implementation of the data subject’s rights pursuant to the applicable regulatory acts of the Republic of Latvia. If a data subject has objections in relation to implementation of their rights, the data subject has the right to address the Data State Inspectorate.
8. Amendments to the Privacy Policy
8.1. We assume that you have read and accepted the Privacy Policy before using the website If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please do not submit any information using The company reserves the right to unilaterally change and supplement the Privacy Policy without further notice and at any time. The current version of the Privacy Policy is available at

8.2. In case of queries related to privacy policy or data processing, and in other cases, please contact us by e-mail:


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